The tire repair method for bad tires can be roughly divided into three types according to the degree of tire damage: cold (internal or paste), hot (commonly known as fire supplement) and tire seal string.

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Introduction to the tire repair method

Introduction to the tire repair method

The tire repair method for bad tires can be roughly divided into three types according to the degree of tire damage: cold (internal or paste), hot (commonly known as fire supplement) and tire seal string. Let us introduce you to everyone the difference between each type of tire repair.

The so-called cold repair is to remove the injured tire from the rim. After finding the wound, clean the foreign matter at the wound, and then attach a special tire rubber from the inner layer of the tire to complete the trap. In fact, this method is similar to the bicycle tire repairing method. But this way only requires a special tire changing machine and tire rubber to complete. The advantage is that it can repair large wounds. The disadvantage is that it is not durable enough. After a period of flooding or high-speed driving, the repairing site is likely to leak again.


Hot supplement (commonly known as fire supplement) is the most thorough measure of tire repair. The heat repairing method also removes the tire from the rim and attaches the special raw rubber to the wound. Then use the vulcanizing machine to bake the wound until the raw rubber and the tire are completely fitted. The benefit of heat repairing method is very durable. Therefore you don't need to worry about repeated leaks at the wound. However, it also has the disadvantage that the technical requirements during construction are high. Because once the fire control is poor, it is likely that the tire will be burnt, and the deformation will be severe so that the damage to the tire will be It is bigger.


For the majority of car owners, when your car is driving on the road and when the tires are tied and leaking., the most simple and practical method is to use the tire seal string method. The tire seal string method has low requirements on equipment (a set of tire repair tool kit plus a small tire air pump). And the professional technical requirements of the owner are not high (as long as you dare to try it yourself). So it is suitable for ordinary car owners.


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